Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kitchen Island

I have spots all over the house that are mine. This is my kitchen spot. My people call it a little "movable island," even though they never move it.

This is a great spot. The bottom has doors and it holds stuff inside. And guess what's inside? That's right, cat food! My people know that if I pry open the doors that I want a treat. They are very well trained -- although sometimes I do have to yowl. I use my special "hungry" meow.

My spot is also good for keeping an eye on the stove, where interesting stuff cooks, and for looking out the window. If you don't have a good kitchen spot like me, you should get one!


  1. We gots some kitchen spots, too... but they don't have a nice window nearby. Please share with us your "secret" for training the human peoples... particularly in the area of treat giving.

  2. It sounds like you picked a furry good spot to be your own -- great vantagepoint to snoopurrvise the rest of the kitchen cativities, and to guard your food so nobody else can steal it! Good one, BooBoo!

  3. Looks like you found the best spot in the kitchen! Sitting on top your food!

  4. That looks like a great spot. We have to stand in the sink to look out the window.

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  5. Youz iz right. We iz gonna take a stroll 'round our kitchen an' find a spot fur us, too. Yourz is kewel!

  6. That's a great spot for snoopervising! We have a small kitchen so we're not allowed to go in there when there's cooking going on....Samson tried to jump up on the stove once!

    Have a great Sunday, Boo Boo

  7. It's important to have lots of good Spots!

  8. I think it is great that you get treats when you go to your spot. I have no such spot. Everyone ignores me no matter what... sigh.

  9. Hello dear Boo Boo!
    Wow very cool your special spot! I think kitchen is an important spot for us!
    Great post and lovely picture!
    Luna ( and mommy Léia )

  10. It must be cool to have your own Island!

    I gave you an award on my blog! Stop by to pick it up.

  11. Training your beans? Smartie!

  12. I love to yowl for my fancy feast too. I don't jump on benches though, you are very nifty.
