I hope all other cats out there are keeping an eye on their humans. They need to be watched.
The Reflections of a Small Black Cat
Elin, the cute cat, has tagged me. I have to list six things that make me happy. Let's see:
Napping, Sunbeams, My People, Kitty Treats, My Favorite Toy, & Birdwatching!
I'm a very happy cat. There's are lots of things that make me happy, but those are the first six I thought of.
I hope you can see what's happening in this picture. This is what we photographically informed cats like to call an "action shot." That's why it's a little blurry.
Sometimes my people play with me and forget that I am a ferocious predator -- so I have to remind them. My female person is the victim in this particular situation. See how I grabbed her hand? That's so I can hold onto her while I chomp on her arm.
She's lucky I was just playing around, or that arm might be missing some pieces.
Yes I'm back with another picture of me. I know I put up a picture of a white hamster yesterday, but I'm still black -- all black all the time
What am I doing in this picture you might ask. Well, I'm sitting on the back of a couch. What does it look like? Believe it or not, I actually spend quite a bit of time just sitting around. I know it might appear that I should have bigger and better things to do, but I actually like just sitting and looking at things -- like someone taking my picture again.I don't like when my people leave the house. Sometimes I sit at the top of the stairs and yowl. Other times I go to the door and yowl. Why do they have to leave? I don't leave. They should stay at home and keep me company. People are fun to have around.
When they come home I meet them at the top of the stairs -- so they know I missed them.
These constant pictures are getting ridiculous. Can't they see I'm trying to take a nap?
I have this thing called a "fleece." It is great for cats, because it is so soft and warm. I love to nap on it, and so does Missy. Sometimes we even share it. I hope other cats have fleeces too.
You know, if I want my picture taken I'll tell you.
I've got to say, I was kind of reluctant to start this blog. Why you ask? Why would a cute personable cat like me not want pictures of herself all over the internet?
Well, some of these pictures were taken without my permission. Humans just go around snapping photos without even asking. The next thing you know they'll be taking pictures of me in my litterbox.
Last night I caught a mouse. I think it snuck in while the front door was open. No one noticed it except me. I have really good eyesight and hearing, unlike the people I live with. I've never caught a mouse before and I wasn't really sure what to do with it. Since I'd already eaten, I wasn't too hungry, so I thought I'd just play with it. It was even more fun than my favorite mouse toy.
I brought it into the living room and was having a great time. But then my people noticed it. They got all excited. But they took the mouse away. I don't know what happened to it. I think they might have put it back outside. Can you believe that? After all my hard work in catching it, they just let it go. What's up with that?
Hi. I 'd like to introduce myself. My name is Boo Boo Black. Some just call me Boo, or Boo Boo. As you can see I'm a small black cat. Here is a picture of me resting on my bed. Well, actually my people think it's their bed, but they just use it when I have better things to do.
Why is a cat writing a blog you ask? That's a good question. I'm a modern, technologically-skilled cat. Really! I know other cats have blogs, and I thought I'd start one too. I'll be writing here regularly and posting pictures. Please visit often!